The Government of Madhya Pradesh has created this MP Shiksha Portal to improve school children’s education quality. It can be used not only by those in Madhya Pradesh but also by all school-going students in all the states in India. This allows students to learn their education at home. You can also find educational news related to the course, general knowledge, country news, and news such as scholarships. The Government of Madhya Pradesh has created this website to make education accessible to all poor and straightforward students.
MP Shiksha Portal
The Government of Madhya Pradesh has launched this MP Shiksha website to make education accessible to students across the state in an easy way. In the present era, it is very difficult to go to school and get an education. That way this MP Shiksha website will be very useful for you to learn online. This website is designed to be easy for all students to handle.
The Purpose of the Shiksha Portal
The main objective of this Scheme is to teach education online to poor simple students. This allows students to find information related to their subject, country currents, and scholarships.
Benefits of the Shiksha Portal
Students will be given a few benefits by joining this portal. We have listed such benefits below.
- Only students who have registered with the Amazon Portal can use it
- All students from Madhya Pradesh can use this
- No fees are charged to students for using this portal
- The government will provide a few benefits to students through the portal
- The scholarship will be awarded through this
- Most of these scholarships will be given only to those from Madhya Pradesh
Documents required for the Shiksha Portal
Students need to show a few documents to benefit from the Shiksha Portal
.We have also given below a list of required documents so students should prepare those documents
- Aadhar card
- Mobile Number
- Mail ID
- Address Proof
- Passport Size Photo
- Income Certificate
- Bank Passbook
MP Shiksha Portal Registration
Students can now register online through the Shiksha Portal to teach their education. Since this is a government website all students can register on it without any fear. You can also know the details of the scholarship offered by the government. The scholarship will be given to students from 1st to 12th class. Students who are eligible for the scholarship can apply for the scholarship through this application. You can register online if you are eligible for such a scholarship. In the present era, going to school and getting an education in a crowded place is a very difficult situation. This portal has been created by the Government of Madhya Pradesh to change this situation completely.
MP Shiksha Portal Login
How To Login MP Shiksha Portal?
- Go to the Official Website
- Click On the “Student Dashboard” Option
- Now Enter Your Student User ID
- Finally, Click On the Login Option
How to View the Student Dashboard
Below is how students go to the home page on this portal.
- Go to the
- Click on the View Dashboard Option
- Now enter your Samagra ID Number
- Then click on the Student Dashboard option.
- From there you can see the related information.
How to view MP Shiksha Portal Scholarship Information
- Go to the Official website
- Now click on the Scholarship option
- Now select the Class and Year option
- Then click the button to “see the scholarship details”
- Now enter all the requested information on the newly opened page
- Finally, click on the Submit option
Follow the details above and apply for the scholarship successfully.
How to Check Scholarship Status
- First Go to
- Now Click One the Scholarship Status Option
- Select your Class and year Option
- And click on View student scholarship-related information.
Currently, you can find all the information related to the Scholarship.
MP Shiksha Contact Number
The number to contact the Shiksha Portal is separate for each district by department. The link is given below.